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Lucrari publicate in reviste cotate ISI

  • Crainiceanu Z, Matusz P. A new perspective regarding the topographical anatomy of the facial and transverse facial arteries. Clinical Anatomy 2011, 27(7):921-3.
  • Bratu T, Botti G, Matusz P. A new perspective regarding the topographical anatomy of the transverse facial artery. Clinical Anatomy 2010, 23(6):733.


Capitole in carti publicate la edituri internationale

  • Antohi N, Isac C, Stan V, Bratu T. Medial and inferior bipedicle breast reduction for gigantomastia and mammary hypertrophy, in Mastopexy and breast reduction-principles and practice, ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germania, 2010.


Articole publicate in reviste indexate in baze de date internationale

  • Tirla GA, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Botnaru I. Lamboul pe perforanta din artera peroniera, disectie pe cadavru proaspat. Clujul Medical 2011, 84, S2(2):15-20.
  • Bratu T. Goals, achievements and perspectives of plastic surgery in Timisoara at the beginning of a new decade. ISAPS Course – national premiere. Timisoara Medical Journal 2010, 60(2/3):140-1.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Kaushal S, Opris A, Tirla A, Helgiu A, Cradigati A, Sarandan M, Caramida A, Bratu T. Single stage Achilles tendon coverage and reconstruction. Timisoara Medical Journal 2010, 60(2/3):156-63.
  • Stan C, Bratu T, Chioibas R, Mastacaneanu M, Gyebnar V. The contribution of a computerized system in selection of the implant for breast augmentation. Timisoara Medical Journal 2010, 60(2/3):142-6.
  • Sarandan M, Cradigati A, Chiriac S, Tunescu B, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Negrea F, Sandesc D. Managementul terapeutic in politraumatismul cu laparostomie prelungita – caz clinic. Jurnalul Roman de Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva 2010, 17(1):61-4.
  • Sarandan M, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Cradigati A, Tunescu B, Opris A, Bratu T. Applying the negative pressure wound therapy principles in necrotizing fasciitis following abdominoplasty for morbid obesity. Timisoara Medical Journal 2010, 60(2/3):164-8.
  • Sarandan M, Guragata-Balasa C, Papurica M, Duta C, Hordovan E, Rus C, Craniceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M. Anesthesia in laparoscopic bariatric surgery (gastric sleeve) – preliminary experience. TMJ 2010, 60(2/3).


Articole publicate in reviste nationale

  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Cojocaru T, Cradigati A, Prejbeanu R, Tirla A, Chioibas R, Kaushal S, Grujic D, Matusz P, Bratu T. Microsurgical options for complex foot defects – preliminary results. Revista de Ortopedie şi Traumatologie a Asociaţiei de Ortopedie Româno-Italo-Spaniole 2010, 1(17):55-61.


Lucrari comunicate la congrese internationale/publicate in volum de rezumate


  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Bloanca V, Gupta S, Bratu T. Criteria for referral to microsurgical facility of patients with soft tissue defects in lower leg and foot. Pre 6th Congress of the World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, 25-27 June 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Taskov P, Iacob M, Dema A, Bratu T. Hand hemangioma with ulnar artery aneurysm – case presentation. XVIth FESSH Meeting, 26-29 May 2011, Oslo, Norway.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Tirla A, Luculescu P, Opris A, Nwachukwu G, Bratu T. Possibilities and limitations of pedicled muscle flaps in the reconstruction of lower limb complex defects. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:52. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Taskov P, Gupta S, Helgiu A, Bratu T. Use of pedicled perforator flaps in the lower leg and foot – preliminary results. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:70. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Matusz P, Crainiceanu Z, Hordovan E, Pusztai A, Bratu T. Perforator vessels of the peroneal artery in arteritic patients – anatomical study. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:71-2. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Miclaus G, Nwachukwu C, Pasztori M, Matusz P, Bratu T. Use of modern imaging methods in vascular evaluation of the lower limb. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:72-3. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Grujic D, Olaru V, Prilipceanu G, Bratu T. Indications of free tissue transfer in the reconstruction of complex tissue defects of lower limb and leg. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:73. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Gyebnar V, Kaushal S, Bloanca V, Bratu T. Simultaneous microsurgical functional reconstruction of Achilles tendon and soft tissue defect. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:74. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Sarandan M, Popa C, Cradigati A, Noditi G, Bratu T. Intensive treatment of critically burned patient – medical approach and managerial challenge. Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2010, 3:80. The 11th International Congress of ROAPS, 10-13 November 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Gyebnar V, Taskov P, Kaushal S, Olaru V, Opris A, Cradigati A, Sarandan M, Costan R, Dagla R, Chioibas R, Matusz P, Bratu T. Objective method to evaluate hand recovery after functional microsurgical reconstruction of upper limb. Journal of Hand Surgery, European volume 35 E, supp. 1, Federation ofEuropean Societies for Ssurgery of the Hand (FESSH) XV Congress Abstracts, June 2010.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Grujic D, Helgiu A, Kaushal S, Nwachukwu G, Gyebnar V, Taskov P, Gupta S, Opris A, Nemes M, Narad G, Noditi G, Bratu T. Indications and limitations of posterior interosseous artery flap in hand reconstruction. Journal of Hand Surgery, European volume 35 E, supp. 1, Federation ofEuropean Societies for Ssurgery of the Hand (FESSH) XV Congress Abstracts, June 2010.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Kaushal S, Taskov P, Olaru V, Gupta S, Nwachukwu G, Bloanca V, Totok A, Galosi L, Cradigati A, Popa C, Grujic D, Noditi G, Bratu T. Great toe versus second toe in thumb reconstruction: a clinical study. Journal of Hand Surgery, European volume 35 E, supp. 1, Federation ofEuropean Societies for Ssurgery of the Hand (FESSH) XV Congress Abstracts, June 2010.
  • Gyebnar V, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Kaushal S, Totok A, Galosi L, Cradigati A, Matusz P, Bratu T. Results in flexor tendon suture using CHIRAFLON® (Polyvinylidene Fluoride). Journal of Hand Surgery, European volume 35 E, supp. 1, Federation ofEuropean Societies for Ssurgery of the Hand (FESSH) XV Congress Abstracts, June 2010.
  • Seleacu E, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Cojocaru M, Gyebnar V, Galosi L, Totok A, Costan R, Dagla R, Bratu T. Objective evaluation of hand function recovery after different methods of nerve reconstruction in the forearm. Journal of Hand Surgery, European volume 35 E, supp. 1, Federation ofEuropean Societies for Ssurgery of the Hand (FESSH) XV Congress Abstracts, June 2010.
  • Matusz PL, Bratu T, Mastacaneanu M, Galosi L, Prilipceanu G, Hordovan E-C, Opris A. Clinical anatomy of traumatic deformities of fingers extensor aponeurosis. FASEB J. 24:lb4, Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, California, USA.
  • Matusz PL, Mastacaneanu M. The cutaneous perforators of the peroneal artery on arteritic patients. FASEB J. 24:lb5, Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, California, USA.
  • Matusz PL, Pusztai AM, Grujic D, Mastacaneanu M, Bratu T. Location of sentinel lymph node in breast cancer. FASEB J. 24:446.6, Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, California, USA.
  • Grujic D, Matusz P, Miclaus C, Grujic Lj, Mastacaneanu M. The necessity of surgical treatment protocols in breast conserving surgery. The Vth International Symposium of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, Timisoara, Romania, 29.04-1.05.2010.
  • Bratu T, Noditi G, Grujic D, Matusz P, Crainiceanu Z. Treatment of gynecomasty – 10 years of experience. The Vth International Symposium of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, Timisoara, Romania, 29.04-1.05.2010.
  • Grujic D, Bratu T, Grujic Lj, Noditi G, Matusz P, Prilipceanu G, Yair M, Nemes M, Gaurav N, Hoinoiu T. A safer mammoreduction method in mammary hypertrophy and gigantomasties. The Vth International Symposium of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, Timisoara, Romania, 29.04-1.05.2010.
  • Bratu T, Grujic D, Olaru D, Mihajlovic D, Grujic LJ. Breast augmentation revisions. The Vth International Symposium of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, Timisoara, Romania, 29.04-1.05.2010.


Lucrari comunicate la congrese nationale/publicate in volum de rezumate

  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Kaushal S, Bloanca V, Prejbeanu R, Patrascu J, Cradigati A, Sarandan M, Bratu T. Microsurgical solutions for lower leg and foot reconstruction after severe lower limb trauma. Al XIV-lea Congres National de Ortopedie si Traumatologie SOROT, 19-21 Oct. 2011, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Prilipceanu G, Taskov P, Gupta S, Andor B, Florescu S, Bratu T. Usefulness of pedicled perforator flaps for malleolar defects following ankle fractures. Al XIV-lea Congres National de Ortopedie si Traumatologie SOROT, 19-21 Oct. 2011, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Kaushal S, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Bloanca V, Gyebnar V, Galosi L, Bratu T.  A modified pins and rubber traction system (PRTS) as dynamic external fixator for complex fractures of the hand. Al XIV-lea Congres National de Ortopedie si Traumatologie SOROT, 19-21 Oct. 2011, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Grujic D, Gyebnar V, Kaushal S, Narad V, Bratu T. Naso-labial flaps – versatile solution for facial defects. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:71-2.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Kaushal S, Bloanca V, Cradigati A, Sarandan M, Matusz P, Bratu T. Microsurgical reconstruction of head and neck following tumor excision. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:83.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Taskov P, Gupta S, Hurmuz I, Prilipceanu G, Bratu T.Particularities of foot burns in diabetic patients. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:94.
  • Grujic D, Grujic Lj, Nemes M, Prilipceanu G, Narad G, Matusz P, Bratu T. Integra – an ultimate solution for the treatment of postburn sequelae? Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:95.
  • Grujic D, Prilipceanu G, Mastacaneanu M, Grujic Lj, Nemes M, Crainiceanu Z, Narad G, Bratu T. Tissue expansion versatility in the treatment of postburn sequelae. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3 :95
  • Olariu D, Bratu T, Mihajlovic D, Pop M, Grujic D, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M. Management of breast implant rupture. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:101.
  • Grujic D, Grujic Lj, Nemes M, Prilipceanu G, Narad G, Bratu T.Our clinical experience in the treatment of rhinophyma. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:104.
  • Mihajlovic D, Bratu T, Antohi N, Olariu D, Pop M, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M. Surgical approach for dorsal nasal augmentation. Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, 6-8 Octombrie 2011, Sinaia, Romania; Annals of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery 2011, 3:104.
  • Hisham A, Soud A. The role of liposuction in sculpturing the body contour after benign lipoma suction, abdominoplasty and fat-transfer. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Bratu T, Mihajlovic D, Olariu D. Reinterventions in breast augmentation. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Chioibas R. Non-invasive combined treatments in facial rejuvenation. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Hisham A, Soud A. Geometric design of the flaps in plastic and reconstructive surgery. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Gyebnar V. Breast reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap and silicone implants. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Kaushal S, Bloanca V, Ahmad S. Breast asymmetry correction using autologous fat transfer. National Conference of Aesthetic Surgery, 28-30 aprilie 2011, Timisoara.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Tirla A, Bratu T. The challenge of foot burns in diabetic patients. First Congress COMPASX, 1-2 aprilie 2011, Timisoara, volum de rezumate.
  • Pusztai AM, Pătraşcu LI, Grujic D, Matusz P, Măstăcăneanu M, Crăiniceanu Z. Drenajul limfatic al glandei mamare. Studiu anatomo-scintigrafic. Al treilea Congres Naţional de Medicină Nucleară cu participare internaţională, Bucureşti, 17-19 noiembrie 2010, vol. rezumate p. 94-96.
  • Tirla A, Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Botnaru I. Lamboul radial revers – indicatii si limite pentru reconstructia de police. Al XII-lea Congres al Societatii Anatomistilor din Romania, 9-11 iunie 2010, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Tirla A, Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Botnaru I. Lamboul arterial perforant peronier, disectie pe cadavru proaspat. Conferina Leziunile cronice ale membrului inferior. Abord multidisciplinar pentru scaderea numarului de amputatii. Timisoara, Romania, 14-15.05.2010, vol. de rezumate.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Bratu T. Rolul chirurgului plastician in abordul multidisciplinar al tratamentului piciorului ischemic. Conferina Leziunile cronice ale membrului inferior. Abord multidisciplinar pentru scaderea numarului de amputatii. Timisoara, Romania, 14-15.05.2010, vol. de rezumate.
  • Mastacaneanu M, Crainiceanu Z, Kaushal S, Opris A, Bloanca V, Popa C, Gupta S, Bratu T. Folosirea presiunii negative in tratamentul plagilor – experienta noastra. Congresul National de Chirurgie, ed. a XXV-a, Cluj-Napoca, 3-6 mai 2010, rev. Chirurgia 2010, vol.105(S1):S170.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Mastacaneanu M, Kaushal S, Pusztai A, Matusz P, Taskov P, Chioibas R, Bratu T, Grujic D. Experienta noastra in folosirea limfosintigrafiei pentru detectarea nodulului santinela si stadializarea melanomului. Congresul National de Chirurgie, ed. a XXV-a, Cluj-Napoca, 3-6 mai 2010, rev. Chirurgia 2010, vol.105(S1):S102.
  • Crainiceanu Z, Kaushal S, Mastacaneanu M, Gyebnar V, Olaru V, Cradigati A, Sarandan M, Bratu T. Proliferare vasculara benigna de antebrat – prezentare de caz. Congresul National de Chirurgie, ed. a XXV-a, Cluj-Napoca, 3-6 mai 2010, rev. Chirurgia 2010, vol.105(S1):S159.