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Plastic Surgery & Corrective Dermatology Conference – 3rd edition | 21-23 octombrie 2022

Casa Austria Clinic, the Medical Association of Corrective Dermatology (AMDC), and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes” of Timisoara, invite you to participate in the Medical Event Plastic Surgery&Corrective Dermatology Conference-3rd edition, which will take place on 21-23 October 2022 at the Convention Center in Timisoara.    

     The conference will be credited with EMC points and aims to become a tradition among medical events in Romania and the main purpose is to select the plastic surgery or corrective dermatology patient and to bring together under the same umbrella the two important branches of medicine.

        The organizing committee will offer all participants the opportunity to learn the latest techniques, procedures, treatment protocols dedicated to plastic surgery and corrective dermatology, so that they can be used by the doctors attending the event in their daily medical practice.

         During the Timisoara 2022 event, various scientific topics will be discussed and debated, ranging from skin tumors, types of sutures and sutures in dermatological practice and office surgery, medical lasers for plastic surgeons, infection in plastic surgery with risk areas and avoiding complications, dermal fillets, resorbable sutures, PRP treatments, chemical peels, botulinum toxin. We will also have live sessions.

We look forward to seeing you.

Prof. Dr. Zorin Crainiceanu
Medic Primar Chirurgie plastica
Presedinte Conferinta 

Prof. Dr. Tiberiu Bratu
Medic Primar Chirurgie Plastica
Copresedinte Conferinta  

Website Conference

Plastic Surgery&Corrective Dermatology Conference-3nd edition, Timisoara, Romania, 21/10/2022-23/10/2022
has been granted 23 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).